Who We Are ...
We are a group of people from all around the world who fly together in flight simulators in the World War II era and beyond. They include IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Blitz, IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles and DCS.
We take our name in the virtual skies from the real 334th Fighter Squadron, as a tribute to the brave men who fought as part of the RAF and USAAF Eagle's Squadrons in World War II (You can see more about that in the 334th History section on our site).
This site is a place where we share information about the simulators, updates, squadron activities, and extras to get the most we can out of our experience. We also use the forums to announce, plan and co-ordinate events where we can fly together (which we actively encourage), because working as a team is usually more effective and more fun than flying by yourself.
Our experienced members have an array of skills in different disciplines, which we can call upon to help those less or partially experienced users develop their skills so they can become more profficient with the aircraft they fly.
Our member list and forum are only accessible to registered members, protecting your privacy online. Members are manually approved to filter out spam accounts, so please be patient if you register on the site.

We run Open Training every Wednesday at 0100 ZULU (GMT) (Tuesdays 1900 EST) for our US Wing, and every Thursday at 1900 ZULU (GMT) for our European Wing in IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles. Everyone is welcome to come along and take part in the scenario we run. We hope to have various missions running, including Bomber Escort, Airfield Defence, Convoy Protection, Ground Attack and Fighter Sweeps. At other times, we will run fighter combat in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 scenarios, or bombing practise, practising level bombing or low altitude attacks.
We also have a flight night on Sundays, which starts at around 1900 ZULU (GMT). We try to take the scenarios we train for in our training evening and put them into practise in a live multiplayer server, or alternatively, decide upon a mission according to whatever scenario is playing out on servers.
Some of our members are also active in IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover/Desert Wings Tobruk. Training and setup is ad-hoc, as pilots are online most nights,and is on an "as and when required" basis.
Flight Night is on Saturdays from around 2000 ZULU (GMT)
Whilst the above days and times are organised events in the 334th, you'll often find our members online flying ad-hoc, so feel free to jump into our comms channels and see who is around.
Join our Teamspeak/Discord, details are at the bottom of every page, and you can join the message board and see who is in comms HERE
You will need a VOIP or gaming headset to join our comms. Most of our pilots use teamspeak, as it does not have the issues that arise with the use of Discord, such as poorer audio quality, higher resource impact and privacy issues.
The Facebook and Discord logos below are clickable links and will take you straight to our channels.
Vice Admiral JA Baldwin, USN
President of the National Defence University
"Although the United States did not enter World War II until the end of 1941, US citizens fought and died in the war long before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Among them were the pilots of the Eagle Squadrons, three fighter squadrons of Britain's Royal Air Force manned by young US flyers risking their lives in another nation's war."
To register on our site, click the LOGIN link at the top of the page. When the login page opens, you can either enter your login information, or use the SIGNUP link to create an account on our site.
Signing up for an account with the site gives access to our Forums, where you can find information relating to the Squadron and the Sims we fly.

Some squadrons are highly regimented, I've heard of one that you can't even start your engine without permission!!! Others require you to turn up and fly at certain times.
Here at the 334th, we have a slightly more casual approach. We like to balance having fun and getting to know friends with organised flying. Having fun is what we all enjoy, but being a bit more serious when engaging in combat can be a force multiplier.
We understand that our members have a life away from gaming. Also, we all have our little ups and downs in life, and at the end of the day, your real life should have priority.
If you're interested in a squadron with a healthy gameplay balance, and can respect a person who might have a different opinion to yours without throwing your toys out of the pram about it, we may be the right squadron for you.
We have more of a "Well, we're actually a bunch of friends flying together" community going on here, and we love banter, even if we're on the receiving end of it.